Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 18. Um Ciclo De Dias   Seguinte: 20. Canção para Minha Querida



(p. 61)






            I WALKED alone among the desolate woods,

            The yellow autumn woods, where the dry leaves

            Rustled beneath my feet, and overhead

            The branches clashed and wrestled in the wind

            Like the wild thoughts that wrestled in my soul.

            Hushed were the birds in withered bush and brake,

            The hedgeway grasses hung their feeble heads,

            The dark pines nodded to a sickly sun

            Like tall funereal plumes, and to and fro

            Moaned the low wind alone the desolate sky.


            O me, my heart! we had been lovers once,

            And he and I had wandered hand in hand

            All through the pleasant byways of the world

            Beneath a summer sun; but suddenly

            Across our path there came so deep a cloud,

            And followed such a storm of bitter rain

            That all my heart lay crushed beneath its weight,

(p. 62)

            And when again I woke to present things

            I stood alone, for lie, methought, was gone.


            But GOD be thanked, that often in our griefs

            A stranger’s hand may drop a blessing down

            Upon our souls, or some more common chance

            Win us new life, –– a poem or a song,

            A random word not spoken for our ears, ––

            A dream by night, –– that like a tiny seed

            Falls down into our heart, and strikes a root

            And buds and blossoms out into a flower!


            So was it now with me, for by-and-by

            Thus while I mused of mine own bitterness,

            I came upon a breaking in the wood,

            A cottage ivy-bound, and in the porch

            A village girl that sat at work and sang.

            And I for very weariness and dole,

            Not greatly caring what her song might be,

            But weary only of the one sad song

            Within my heart, sat down awhile to rest

            Upon a fallen tree, and thus she sang:


                        “I sleep, but my heart is awake,

                                   I weep, but I look for thee still,

                        And I watch till the dawn shall break,

                                   And the sun stand high on the hill!


                        “For patience and silence are strong

                                   And the FATHER in Heaven is just,

(p. 63)

                        The night may be darksome and long,

                                   But the daylight shall break if we trust.


                        “Trust me, my darling, my love!

                                   I know that the whirlwind is high,

                        I know there is tempest above,

                                   But never a whit care I!


                        “Say they ’tis vain to hope still?

                                   I answer them only, ‘I must,’

                        Strong is my womanly will,

                                   Strong is my GOD-given trust.


                        “All in the wind and the rain,

                                   Darling, I watch and I wait,

                        I know I shall see thee again,

                                   For the heart in my bosom is great.


                        “Dead are the eyes that are dry,

                                   And the soul that lies loveless shall rust,

                        There is dawn in the nethermost sky,

                                   Trust me, my love, only trust.”



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 18. Um Ciclo de Dias   Seguinte: 20. Canção para Minha Querida