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(p. 64)






            O WHATEN is my true love like? and whaten shall I say?

            It is a drap o’ rain that fell upon a simmer’s day!

            For thick and fast the shower came on o’er hill and thirsty plain,

            Till a’ the merry land throughout ran brimmindoon wi’ rain!


            It is a fleck of blue that brake sin after in the sky,

            A tiny fleck it was at first, and faint, but by-an’-by, ––

            O by-an’-by, –– dear lassie, hear! –– sae mightily it grew,

            That cloud and storm were swept away, and heaven a’ was blue!


            O whaten is my true love like? my heart’s true love for thee?

            O it is like the break o’ day above the stormy sea!

            The break o’ day that widened up through dusky mist and night,

            Till all the sky was full of dawn, and all the world of light.


(p. 65)

            It is a little beck that rose from out a mountain spring,

            And bickled on from crag to pass, a merry weesome thing,

            But O! it grew a mighty stream, far doon below the mill,

            And heaven lay within its depths, sae deep it was an’ still.


            O whaten is my true love like? that I may sing thee now?

            O it is like a tiny bud that blossomed on a bough!

            An’ day by day the sunshine came, and fell the pleasant shower,

            Until my tiny spring-time bud became a simmer flower!


            But lassie, rain will cease to fa’, blue sky will fade away,

            And night will creep across the sea, –– it is not always day,

            Perchance the stream may be dried up, the flower may droop an’ die,

            But O for thee, my bonnie bird, my love shall last for aye!



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 19. Confiança   Seguinte: 21. Uma Vez em Toda uma Vida