Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 16. Palavras na Areia do Mar   Seguinte: 18. Um Ciclo de Dias



(p. 57)







            WHO loves Me, Love, must love Me all,

                        Must deem Me wholly wise and fair,

                        For Me must work and learn and bear,

            And count for Me the labour small.


            “Who weds Me must be no mere boy,

                        Brainless in thought, and rash in deed,

                        Victim of some ill-motived creed

            That makes of mind an idle toy.


            “Who loves Me must not care to lose

                        For Me or friend or wealth or kin,

                        Hold Me his good, and deem it sin

            To think the thing I should not choose.


            “Who weds Me must be wise and strong

                        True to the True, and broad in heart,

                        Pure eyed and bold, nor yet in part,

            But firm in war with moral wrong.


(p. 58)

            “Who wins My love, content must be

                        Through many an evil day to wait,

                        For Me to grow revered and great,

            Nor count that greatness worthy Me.”



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 16. Palavras na Areia do Mar   Seguinte: 18. Um Ciclo de Dias