Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 15. Hino   Seguinte: 17. “Pois a Sabedoria se Justifica por Todos os Seus Filhos”



(p. 55)






            I SAT and pondered in the bay,

                        Girt round with sand-cliff white and high,

            The brawling sea before me lay,

                        And o’er me hung the blinding sky.


            “How great am I! O GOD,” I said,

                        “So great that sky and land and sea

            And all things else that Thou hast made,

                        Might fitly have been made for me.


            “How little am I in Thine eyes!

                        No larger than a grain of sand,

            Who art so great that heaven lies

                        Within the hollow of Thine hand.


            “Since I am small to Thee,” I said,

                        “And all things else to me are small,

            Methinks I needs must have been made

                        To look to Thee, beyond them all.


(p. 56)

            “Else why have I the power to know,

                        To think and love, unless it be

            That through my learning I might grow,

                        And rise to purer heights with Thee?”



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 15. Hino   Seguinte: 17. “Pois a Sabedoria se Justifica por Todos os Seus Filhos”