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(p. 69)

14. SOBRE O MAL (1)


            “UNDERSTAND that evil is the result of creation. For creation is the projection of spirit into matter, and with this projection came the first germ of evil. We would have you know that there is no such thing as purely spiritual evil, but that evil is the result of the materialization of spirit. If you examine carefully all the various forms of evil, you will see that every one is the result of the limitations of matter. Falsehood is the limitation of the faculty of perception; selfishness is the result of the limitation of the power to perceive that the whole Universe is but the larger Self; and so of all the rest. It is then true that God created evil; but yet it is true that God is Spirit, and being Spirit is

(p. 71)

incapable of evil. Evil is then purely and solely the result of the materialization of God. (…)


            “God is perception itself God is universal percipience. God is both that which sees and that which is seen. If we could see all, hear all, touch all, and so forth, there would be no evil, for evil comes of the limitation of perception. Such limitation was necessary if God was to produce aught other than God. Aught other than God must be less than God. Without evil, therefore, God would have remained alone. All things are God according to the measure of the Spirit in them.


            “And nearest of all to God is woman” (as type of the feminine or Love aspect of the Divine Nature).


            “Any act or desire of the body that does not profit the mind, that is sensuality.”




(69:1) Clothed with the Sun. Part I, Nº. 19.




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