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(p. 65)



            “PRAYER means the intense direction of the will and desire towards the Highest; an unchanging intent to know nothing but the Highest. (…) The command always is, “To labour is to pray;” “To ask is to receive;” “To knock is to have the door opened.” When you think inwardly, pray intensely, and imagine centrally, then you converse with God.


            “So long as Moses held up his hands towards heaven, the Israelites prevailed. When he dropped them, then the Amalekites.”




(65:1) Clothed with the Sun. Part I, Nº. 14.




Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual    Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 11 -  Sobre o Novo Advento   Seguinte: 13 - Sobre a Criação