Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual    Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 10 -  Sobre a Idolatria   Seguinte: 12 - Sobre a Oração



(p. 57)



            “THE token whereby the approach of the End should be known, was to be the spectacle of the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place.” Jesus, recalling this prophecy, foretold the same event, and warned the elect in mystic phrase, thus to be interpreted: –


            “When, therefore, ye shall see matter exalted to the holy place of God and the soul, and made the all and in all of existence;


            “Then let the spiritual Israel betake themselves to the hills where alone salvation is to be found, even the heights and fastnesses of the divine life.


            “And let him who has overcome the body, beware lest he return to

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the love of the flesh, or seek the things of the world.


            “Neither let him who is free from the body, become again re-incarnate.


            “And woe to the soul whose travail is yet unaccomplished, and which has not yet become weaned from the body.


            “And beseech God that these things find you not at a season either of spiritual depression and feebleness, or of spiritual repose and unwatchfulness.


            “For the tribulation shall be without parallel;


            “And such that except those days shall be few in number, escape from the body would be impossible.


            “But for the elect’s sake they shall be few.


            “And if any shall then declare that here, or there, the Christ has appeared as a person, believe it not. For there shall arise delusive apparitions and manifestations, together with great signs and marvels, such

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as might well deceive even the elect. Remember, I have told you beforehand. Wherefore, if they shall say unto you, Behold he is in the desert, whether of the East or of the West, – join him not. Or, Behold he is in darkened rooms and secret assemblies, – pay no regard.


            “For, like lightning coming out of the East and illuminating the West, so shall be the world’s spiritual awakening to the recognition of the Divine in Humanity.


            “But wheresoever the dead carcase of error remains, around it, like vultures, will gather both deceivers and deceived.


            “And upon them, the profane there shall be darkness; the Spirit shall be quenched and the soul extinct; and there shall be no more any light in heaven, or in heavenly science any truth and meaning. And the power of heaven upon men shall be shaken.


            “Then shall appear the new sign,

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the Man in Heaven, upon the rain-clouds of the last chrism and mystery, with great power and glory.” (1)




(57:1) Clothed with the Sun. Part I, Nº. 9.

(63:1) Indicated in the Zodiacal sign Aquarius which succeeds Pisces the sign of the Christian dispensation. Hence the significance of Mark XIV:13 and Luke XXII:10.



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual    Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 10 -  Sobre a Idolatria   Seguinte: 12 - Sobre a Oração