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(p. 161)

25. BÊNÇÃO (1)


            “MAY this holy Body and Blood, Substance and Spirit, Divine Mother and Father, inseparable Duality in Unity, given for all creatures, broken and shed and making oblation for the world, be everywhere known, adored and venerated! May we, by means of that Blood, which is the Love of God and the Spirit of Life, be redeemed, indrawn and transmuted into that Body which is pure Substance, immaculate and ever virgin, express Image of the Person of God!


            That we hunger no more, neither thirst any more; and that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any creature,

(p. 163)

be able to separate us from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.


            That being made one through the At-one-ment of Christ, Who only hath Immortality and inhabiteth Light inaccessible; we also, beholding the Glory of God with open face; may be transformed into the same Image, from glory to glory, by the power of the Spirit.”




(161:1) The Perfect Way. Lect. IV, par. 37.








Women’s Printing Society, Ltd., Westminster



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