Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: Form of Treatment   Seguinte: Appendix




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            What is God?


            Infinite Spirit. All Good.


            What is man?


            The offspring of Infinite Spirit.


            That is matter?


            The most external or lowest expression of universal substance.


            Is it necessary to study pathology?


            Spiritual healers require no such study.


            Please define Mortal Mind.


            Changing states or conditions of human belief.


            Is God the author of sin, sickness and death?


            Decidedly He is not.


            What is error?


            Misapprehension of Truth.


            Is diagnosis necessary?


            Not in all cases; it is, however, often desirable.


            Should treatment be silent, and how long continue?


            Silence is the greatest power. No stated time.


            Some assert that our Systems of Religion are governed by our Systems of Medicine. What is your opinion?


            They are in turn influenced by each other.


            What did Jesus mean when he said, “The works that I do, ye shall do also”?


            Exactly what he said.


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            Is a sick person the image and likeness of God?


            The real man is never sick, only the mortal appendage of man, which is not God’s image, can be sick.


            Is it possible to always avoid physical suffering?


            It is, provided you understand and obey the divine law of harmony.


            How can we best overcome fear?


            By boldly facing whatever we regard as calculated to inspire fear, then bravely defying its power to harm, which can only be successfully accomplished through unfaltering trust in Infinite Good.


            Does the suicide find a friend in death?


            Suicide is arrant folly, and folly can not promote our welfare.


            Is soul in the body?


            It is not, but spirit uses the body as an instrument or machine.


            Should we forsake all for Truth?


            Decidedly, but we must ever remember that truth only calls upon us to sacrifice error, and error is to truth what commonest glass is to purest gems.


            Does chemicalization always follow treatment?


            Not invariably when it does it marks a conflict between truth and error, and truth must triumph.


            Are nerves the source of pain or pleasure?


            Nerves transmit the sensations they can not produce, as electric wires convey intelligence they can not furnish.


            Does spiritual science ignore all medicine and hygiene?


            It does not rely on medicine, which it far surpasses,

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and it includes the soul and practice of genuine hygiene.


            Must a healer be well educated?


            In the sense that educated means morally and mentally unfolded, yes; in a scholastic sense it is not necessary.


            Do you believe in heredity?


            So far as mental and physical leanings are concerned we do, but all hereditary taints can be eliminated.


            Can obstetrics be practiced in this science?


            Not only can be but must be.


            Do you object to mesmerism and mediumship?


            Mesmerism is vastly inferior to Spiritual Science. Mediumship is a blessing when rightly understood.


            What are the prime causes of sickness?


            Ignorance of the Law of Health; lack of individuality, and too great love of the senses.


            Is not metaphysical science important from a secular point of view?


            Unquestionably, as metaphysical methods are the only ones which permanently efface crime.


            Can we treat animals successfully?


            Without difficulty, if they love and respect you, they respond very quickly to your every thought.


            Do our departed friends assist us?


            Your “departed friends” are only “departed” in mortal belief, they are as truly your assistants in every good work as though you could see them physically.


            What is the cause of a relapse?


            Relapses are consequent upon imperfect acquaintance

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with truth and nervous susceptibility to one’s surroundings.


            Can we always resist disease, and ward it off, if we know how to do it?


            Just as truly as you can make a. roof water-tight or a ship seaworthy.


            Is Repression one of the causes of nervous prostration?


            Repression fosters crime, sickness and insanity. Eradicate evil desires, gratify lawful ones.


            Please explain the words of Jesus, “He that believeth in me, shall never see death”?


            In the simplest interpretation of these words the fear of death and the pain accompanying physical dissolution is intended.


            Do our spirits dwell within or without our bodies?


            The spirit itself can not be wholly limited by the body, which it simply vitalizes, and through which it expresses itself.


            What is the relation, between the spiritual and the material body?


            A relation similar to that existing between a performer and an instrument, or a man and his clothing.


            What is the Odylic flame seen by clairvoyants?


            Odylic, from Od (all pervading), means the astral, or emanating flame of vitality.


            How do magnetic healers differ from metaphysicians?


            In that they rely too much on bodily emanations and too little on mind.


            What are mesmerism and magnetism? How do they differ?


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            Mesmerism is Anton Mesmer’s limited system of psychology, which is founded upon a recognition of animal magnetism.


            What is mind?


            Intelligence manifesting in reason.


            What is spirit?


            Life itself; being; self-existent intelligent principle.


            What is soul?


            The innermost or affectional element in spirit, mind being the rational.


            What is disease?


            Inharmony; discord; lack of equilibrium.


            How can we avoid contagious disease?


            By cultivating a mental state which generates a counteracting vital force.


            Why is disease more easily overcome in one person than another?


            Because some persons are more tenacious of error, and at the same time more weakly susceptible than others.


            Is there any definite rule as regards the length of a treatment?


            Certainly not; for in order to treat or be treated successfully, you must forget time and place.


            Why are some patients considered, incurable?


            Because spiritual perception of the means of their cure is lacking.


            How does chemicalization differ from the crises of the hydropathist?


            It differs only in this: that metaphysicians consider the mental cause, hydropathists the physical effect.


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            How can we avoid being drafted by those who are mentally, physically and spiritually starved?


            By feeding on truth ourselves.


            Is God in us, or are we in God?


            The finite is in the Infinite.


            How can we best attain and maintain perfect health?


            By persistently acknowledging good to the exclusion of its opposite.


            What are the qualifications necessary for a successful healer?


            Supreme love of truth, coupled with intelligent liberality of sentiment.


            How far has a physician the right to control the patient’s will?


            No right at all. Truth is submitted to conscience and reason, and must be embraced willingly.


            What law governs the will, and how can we best direct it?


            By concentrating our thought and affection upon that object we most desire to reach, and that persistently.


            Is not pleasant, harmonious conversation often one of the best methods?


            Converse with patients whenever you can without arousing opposition.


            Is it necessary for the physician to be morally and spiritually superior to the patient?


            It is difficult to gauge superiority, but no moral and mental standard can be too high.


            Is it absolutely necessary that the patient should be receptive or negative?


            Receptive to truth, yes. Negative to mortal belief, no.


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            Why is silent treatment best?


            Because it does not arouse excited controversy, and gives the most phenomenal proof.


            Are hereditary diseases (so-called) the most difficult to heal?


            Not unless belief in their ineradicability is firmly rooted in the patient’s mind. Much depends on the healer.


            Should we always call the disease by name in healing?


            Not unless the patient often thinks of and mentions it by name. When such is the case, deny it by name often and vigorously.


            Is the subjugation of the bodily senses necessary?


            The senses must be governed by reason. Where appetites dominate the will disease is inevitable.


            Should we ignore our individuality in our treatments for any set rule?


            No, never use any formula nor adopt any rule which does not appeal to your sense of right.


            How can we best discover truth?


            By cultivating a willingness to forego all else for its possession.


            Is not the personality of the patient often the objective error that must be overcome?


            The idiosyncrasies and prejudices of the patient must be vanquished, and particularly all unkindness and animosity in thought, word or deed.


            Is there any law of adaptability more potent than love and sympathy?


            Love manifests itself in inevitable, spontaneous sympathy which reveals true union.


            What is to be understood by perfection? and is it attainable in this life?


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            Perfection in its relative sense only implies perfect obedience to the highest truth perceived; this is practical.


            Which are the most desirable teachers, books, experience, or conversation with superior minds?


            Books and conversation are valuable only as they help persons to gain experience. Experience is the highest teacher.


            Can the dead be raised?


            In a figurative sense they can; those “dead in sin” can be raised to “newness of life.” In a physical sense those seemingly dead can often be restored.


            How can we best overcome selfishness?


            By steadily fixing our thought and affection on universal human welfare.


            Why are mental healers often called mercenary?


            Probably because, like all other persons, they are often obliged to receive compensation for their services, and mercenary people, who are not true scientists, have invaded the ranks.


            What is matter, and is it recognized in metaphysics?


            Matter is the lowest expression or manifestation of mind.


            Is matter a cause or effect?


            Decidedly an effect, of which the cause is intelligent mind in every instance.


            Do you teach metaphysical healing to be a recent revelation or discovery?


            No, for it was well known to the ancients. It is only a recent discovery on the part of the masses.


            Is this new phase of healing similar to what Jesus practiced and taught?


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            It is identical with the healing work accomplished by inspired teachers and prophets everywhere, in every age.


            What is meant by the true Christ?


            The essential life; divine inmost principle of human nature; God manifest.


            Jesus said; “Greater works than these shall ye do.” What did he mean by greater?


            That whereas his work was literally confined to Palestine, similar work should at length be accomplished everywhere.


            How many senses has man, and how many discovered or recognized by the masses?


            Seven; for in addition to the five recognized universally, clairvoyance and intuition are clearly distinct.


            Are metaphysical teachings mental, sentimental, scientific or inclusive?


            Inclusive in the broadest sense of the word; but not so sentimental as scientific when thoroughly sound.


            Is it wise to disregard natural laws?


            True metaphysicians love, honor and obey divine natural law. Laws are human inventions.


            Are anatomy and physiology taught by metaphysicians, or is an understanding of those subjects necessary to the successful healer?


            Anatomy and physiology are valuable studies, but not always necessary.


            Is there any difference (except in name) between metaphysicians, Christian scientists, mental scientists, mental healers and spiritual healers?


            Very little real difference, save that some Christian scientists make of Mrs. Eddy a final authority. Mental

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science is not so broad and inclusive a term as spiritual science, while the phrase spiritual healing is correct, but scientifically inadequate.


            Can wasted lungs be restored?


            Under many circumstances they can be; but it is difficult to decide how far medical diagnosis is accurate.


            Can we learn to overcome fatigue?


            If we live in harmonious thought we shall sleep naturally when we need rest without feeling exhaustion.


            If a belief exist that climate and atmosphere are unhealthy what is the result?


            Nervous and susceptible people are made ill through imbibing prevailing fear.


            Do you believe in contagious diseases?


            Everything is contagious if we are susceptible. We believe in contagious health, which is the antidote to all disorder.


            What, in brief, is the cardinal truth, of metaphysics?


            Good is infinite and eternal. Evil is only a mortal inversion.


            Is it possible to overcome a belief in pain while suffering from it?


            It is, by turning the thought resolutely to the source of joy. It is often desirable, however, to avail one’s self of a healer’s services when pain is acute.


            How can we best cultivate a truly spiritual condition?


            By always acting in harmony with our deepest conviction of right.


            Can the skillful metaphysician ever expect to practice surgery?


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            Mechanical surgery is a special study, which no one is thoroughly adapted for unless he be in a broad sense a true metaphysician.


            Would you allow the use of any material remedies? We know Jesus sometimes used them.


            If you carefully read the gospels you will learn that Jesus trusted entirely in the efficacy of Divine Spirit, and in the use of material simples reversed all prevailing beliefs.


            Do you consider that metaphysical methods are sufficient to meet every condition and overcome all discomfort?


            Decidedly we do, as it would be the height of folly to attribute potency to matter (the lesser) which we denied to mind (the greater).


            Are chronic cases more difficult to heal than acute ones?


            Not for any other reason than because old fears and prejudices are harder to remove than recent ones.


            Are absent treatments as beneficial as others?


            Frequently far more so, as mind thereby demonstrates its power more absolutely.


            Is there any objection to the term Christian science?


            None whatever, save that it is distinctly ecclesiastical, and liable to arouse prejudice.


            Can anyone become a healer?


            Every one can heal some one, as healing is possible through an immense diversity of methods


            Is there any difference between prayer and faith cures and metaphysical healing?


            Metaphysical healing includes the exercise of faith and prayer, but is broader in its definitions.


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            Do you hold that metaphysics is superior to all other methods, and especially so in insanity?


            Unquestionably as all other methods are perforce inferior, and in cases of insanity worthless.


            Will disease eventually be overcome and health reign supreme on earth?


            Never doubt this and ever work to hasten the day.


            How can we overcome materialism and skepticism?


            By clearly presenting spiritual truth to honest minds without anxiety.


            Is suffering an absolute necessity?


            It is necessary as long as you experience it, for you can only outgrow it by interior development.


            Shall we in the good time coming die well?


            You will leave this earth when you are ready for promotion without sickness.


            Is it possible, or desirable to have our lives continued in our earthly bodies beyond a ripe old age?


            It is desirable to continue living surrounded by physical limitations until you have ripened spiritually so that you can enjoy a higher state of existence. Physical immortality is a foolish dream, as no one could very long be contented with physical restrictions. Age signifies nothing to spirit, growth is everything. Strive to grow so that you are prepared for a more glorious state of expression, and do not worry yourselves about the destiny of your flesh.



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: Form of Treatment   Seguinte: Appendix