Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 21. Uma Vez em Toda uma Vida   Seguinte: 23. “O Último”



(p. 69)






            HERE at my window I sit, and the sparrows

            Chatter and chirp in the vine-boughs below,

            And the panes of the casement are all aglow,

            For the battle of day and night is done,

            And the blood-dyed meadows of the West

            Are strewn with a hundred golden arrows,

            And far away, the vanquished Sun

            Goes down like a God to his rest.


            Now he dips in the level water,

            Over him blazes his fiery hair,

            And the plates of his burnished armour flare

            All like a warrior’s, red from the slaughter!

            O! it is sweet, when the clamorous day

            With its rage and its war-cry has passed away,

            And comes the moon with her bloodless quiver,

            And the stars that stand round her like cowards and shiver,

            And far beneath them, ghostly and gray,

            The sea that rolls and rolls for ever!


(p. 70)

            Still at the window I sit and drink

            All the sweet odours of silence, that rise

            Up from the world to the musical skies,

            And the voice of the waters that swell and sink

            Speaks through the distance, and dimly I think

            Of that fathomless ocean of Time and Fate

            Bearing us onward and on without cess

            Into the dark mysterious Never,

            Spirit to spirit, the small and the great,

            Many we love, and some that we hate,

            And the foolish and learned, the wise and the clever,

            Into the Sea of Forgetfulness,

            The sea that rolls and rolls for ever!


            What then? there are many who tremble and weep,

            Some who are careless, and some who would sleep,

            But I have a love in this heart of mine,

            A love as I think, that is half divine,

            And I render my worship to GOD the Giver,

            For the treasure He gives me to cherish and keep,

            For this love in my heart, that is mighty and deep

            As the sea that rolls and rolls for ever!



Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra Atual   Anterior: 21. Uma Vez em Toda uma Vida   Seguinte: 23. “O Último”