Índice Geral das Seções Índice da Seção Atual Índice da Obra Atual Anterior: 13. “Pois Meu Filho Estava Morto, e Vive Novamente; Estava Perdido, e o Encontrei” Seguinte: 15. Hino
(p. 51)
CLOSE to the cross, where crucified,
The LORD of glory hung and died,
Two women watching side by side
In deepest sorrow stood.
The one, a virgin, chaste and mild,
The other, once by sin defiled,
Now to her Maker reconciled
Through CHRIST’S redeeming blood.
Mary, the good and innocent;
And Magdalen the penitent,
Her lowly eyes in anguish bent
Upon the bloodstained sod.
These two were privileged to be
Witnesses of His agony,
Who bore for us upon the tree
The anger of His GOD.
(p. 52)
So now by this same LORD’S command,
Pure love, and penitence may stand
Like these, together, hand in hand
Beside the holy rood.
And He who died for sinful men,
Who pardoned Mary Magdalen,
Will pardon now as He did then
those who pardon would.
Beneath His cross there still is rest
For all the guilty and distressed,
And weary ones with woes oppressed,
He soothes, for He is good.
Haste then, with Magdalen to fly
To the dear cross of
For you the SAVIOUR deigned to die,
For you He shed His blood.
The guilty soul, the burdened mind,
Pardon and comfort there may find,
And leave their sins and griefs behind,
Nailed to the sacred wood.
Índice Geral das Seções Índice da Seção Atual Índice da Obra Atual Anterior: 13. “Pois Meu Filho Estava Morto, e Vive Novamente; Estava Perdido, e o Encontrei” Seguinte: 15. Hino